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Blog Creative @ Karen Watson Film & Animation

Introduction To Blog Creative @ Karen Watson Film & Animation

Hi and welcome to Blog Creative. Today is Mother’s Day in the UK, and what better day to give birth to a new creation (but thankfully without all the blood and gore and puffing and panting of real childbirth). So here it is - my new and (currently) tidy blog, which aims to inspire, explore and promote creativity in all its forms.

This blog intends to be as much about ‘why’ and ‘how’ we create as ‘what’ we create. It’s about the journey and the ‘process’ of creating - the travelling through as much as the destination and the end product. It aims to be a celebration of all the people, just like most of you who are reading this, who have the courage to create or want to create, and all the fun (and sometimes not so fun) stuff that happens along the way.

The reason I’ve decided to set out on this journey is pretty much the same reason I got into art, film, animation and writing in the first place - to fulfil the basic need I believe we all have - to find and share a healthy outlet for self-expression and to help and inspire other people to find, enjoy and share it too.

So it doesn’t matter what you’re creating; a song, a book, a film, a meal, a cake, a garden, a costume, a script, a business, a house - from the simplest idea to a plain crazy innovation - Blog Creative is for and about creative people, creative practices, philosophies, approaches and solutions. If there’s the merest whiff of creativity to it, it could appear on this blog - or so could you! It’s a blog for those who want to be more creative, or those who feel stuck in a rut and want a bit of inspiration, motivation or just some light relief from looking at things in the same old way.

I can honestly say this baby has been incubating for quite some time, but just like any child, journey or creation, I have no idea how it’s going to turn out. No doubt there’ll be some growing pains and growth spurts along the way. Like most creative works it will also have it’s ugly duckling moments, but with you on side, I know I’ll get through it.

My intention is to post at least once a week, make my posts as interesting and creative as possible, and keep it all nicely organised, so you can quickly find your way around - but, like all good creative endeavours, it could get messy from time to time. I doubt you’ll mind that though, being a creative. You might be familiar with the saying from Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching:

‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’

This post is the first step on what I intend to be a long and wonderful adventure. I hope you will become a fellow traveller with me and join the community of creatives that I hope this blog will in time create. Thanks for popping in. And if you want to chip in at any point then please leave a comment or send me an email. See you soon.


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