Karen Watson
Film & Animation
Creative Communications
Business and Charity Videos - Capture your target audience and promote your business or cause with a tailor made marketing video.
Featured Business Overview Video (above) for 'Go Revolution' Fitness Boutique, Harrogate, Yorkshire
Product Review Promo on the MINI PHEV from Mini Stratstone, Harrogate, Yorkshire, filmed by Karen Watson Film and Animation, and Airmotion.
Create a buzz! Let the world see what’s great about you, your business, products or services in just one minute (or even less) with a quality business video promo or explainer video.
As growing numbers of consumers are now watching video online, business video promos are fast becoming an essential marketing tool for all kinds of businesses, freelancers and charities across the globe.
Business video promos (either documentary or animated) can provide a fast and easy way to help you and your business:
Get your message or story across, creatively and informatively, to your target audience.
Connect with current and potential customers in an engaging, inspiring and more personable way.
Drive sales and get the edge on your competitors.
Save valuable time for you and your customers.
Share your story quickly and easily across a variety of social media platforms.
So, whether you work freelance, run a small business, or you’re an individual just wanting to raise funds for a cause or project, Karen Watson Film & Animation can create a bespoke video promo (using documentary techniques, graphic title sequences or animation) for you or your business at an affordable price.
KINGDOM COACHING - Testimonial Video
Featuring a variety of enthusiastic testimonials for Andrew Cussons 90 day business planning courses.
LADY BLOGGS - Premier Writing Services
Promotional advert designed for Lady Bloggs Communications website - currently under construction.
For all enquries contact:
Please state clearly your name, contact details and the nature of your enquiry.
MENCAP 'The Voice of Learning Disability'
Social Video Promo for the UK National Charity promoting their annual fundraising event, The Big Tea Party.
Business overview video - featuring an interview with expert business coach, Andrew Cussons, explaining the importance of gaining business tools in today's economy and how his new training courses for all faiths works.
The talented Yorkshire sculptor talks about his passion for his art and some of the many exciting and varied sculptures he's been commissioned to make during his career
Short Business Promo of Yorkshire Artist and Designer, Simon Pearson, who uses dotwork to skilfully create original clothing designs and artwork particularly popular with tattoo enthusiasts.
Short Business Promo of Yorkshire Artist and Designer, Simon Pearson, who uses dotwork to skilfully create original clothing designs and artwork particularly popular with tattoo enthusiasts.
ART CAPITANO Sculpture / Christopher Kelly Promo
'The Wonders of Working With Clay' briefly explained by the Yorkshire sculptor, Christopher Kelly (Art Capitano), for Karen Watson's series of documentary short promos focusing on people's passions and favourite things.
IDENT - Karen Watson Film & Animation
One of a series of animated idents created as introduction promos for Karen Watson's videos.